Fieldteam is designed to make life easier for any trade or service based business through improved job management and workflow.

Best Software for plumbers

Complete End to End Job Management Software For Plumbers

Fieldteam helps you from Start to finish on every job and quote your company does. From the time your service staff take the phone call Fieldteam goes into action.

Once the job is in the system and assigned to one of your service staff, Once a job is completed your administration staff can invoice it instantly. You'll be able to invoice a customer just minutes after a job is completed. If your customer has any questions, your administration staff can look up the job in seconds and see the status of the job in real time.

Save Time and Stop Problems

For the Field Workers

Plumbing software workflow systemThe Smartphone Apps for your workers will allow your plumbing business to save time by reducing the amount of time your workers spend in the office.When a job is added into the system and assigned to one of your workers it will show up in their calendar instantly. This will add dozens of billable hours to your bottom line every month alone.

For the administration staff

For your administration staff there is a complete job dashboard for every Job. If they need to know the progress of a job, or details about it, it's just a click away ,no more having a tray full of paperwork to dig through to find information.

Also for your administration staff, there are powerful search features which ensures your staff will no longer have to go though countless file cabinets to find paper from previous jobs. The admin staff can also send out reports from the system to customers - and include pictures and videos along with copies of the digital reports for that job as well.

For Owners and Supervisors

The Plumbing Software system in action Fieldteam allows your field staff to upload videos and pictures directly to the job file - this means you no longer need to drive out to a site to resolve an issue - just watch the video and look at the pictures and you can give your staff the information needed to resolve the issue on the spot, This will reduce the number of hours you need to spend outside the office. You'll no longer have to leave the site you are on to work out a problem one of your workers is having on another site.

Risk Free 30 day Fieldteam Trial - no hidden fees, no headaches

Get full access to fieldteam and the mobile applications for 30 days. No credit cards or payments needed during the trial period.

Limited Time Offer: Free Training with all Trials Until 24/02/2025

Fully Paperless Software System

Fieldteam is completely paperless. This will save the amount of time spent waiting for paperwork to be filled in not to mention having to organize it all and store it in a filing cabinet.

Fieldteam also supports custom reports - so you can turn your paper forms into digital versions. When your worker is on the job, if they need to fill out a form - they just select it from inside the job - fill out the form, and it's automatically assigned to the job for you. Your admin staff will be able to see all the forms filled out on the job as well, and they can also email a copy to the customer at a click of a button.

Fieldteam also allows you to capture signatures using the smartphone allowing your staff to get a signature from the customer when the job is done

You won't need to follow up your workers for paper work anymore which will ensure your invoices are delivered quickly and not take months.

Free Up Time and Save Money

"The Fieldteam Plumbers management software has been built from the ground up to save you time and money in several ways."

Complete digital job management:- Because of this your staff no longer need to do filing or even spend time looking for old files. You can search all of your jobs at a push of a button and have them appear in seconds.

Inbuilt invoicing system:- This will save you considerable time and problems as with a click of a button you can generate and send out an invoice to a customer. On top of this at once click on a button you can see which jobs need invoicing, which jobs have been invoiced and which jobs have been paid. How long does this take you now?

No more site visits:- With Fieldteam's media centric workflow, if one of your workers has an issue on site - they just record a video of the problem explaining what it is allowing you to resolve issues without leaving your office.

Material & Time Tracking:- The system is designed so everytime one of your staff uses an item on site - with a couple of pushes of a button, the materials used are saved to the job automatically. This enables you to track every item you use on a job to make sure you are billing correctly. The system also has start and stop times for your staff so you can track time spent down to the minute. This means when it comes time to do the invoices you can be sure it is correct and you are not going to be under billing.

Staff Tracking and Mapping:- Know where your staff are with Fieldteam. The mobile applications let the server know where your staff are every few minutes using the phone’s GPS system. In Fieldteam if you need to know where a worker is you can go to the trackingscreen, and see if they are on the job site, on the way to the job site, or if they are somewhere they shouldn't be.

Job Scheduling System:- Fieldteam has a calendar built an inbuilt calendar allowing you reschedule or reassign a job just by dragging and dropping it on the calendar - you can move it to another day and time, or even drag it onto another worker. This system itself will save your administration staff hours every week.

Less Unpaid work:- The system has photo and video management built into it's core. This means when your workers start a job - they take pictures and a video, when they are working, they take more photo's. When they are done they take pictures of the site how they left it. They can even take audio logs while on the job as well. What this means to you is if a client rings up claiming you damaged another part of the site or location, you'll have proof that it wasn't you - either the damage was pre-existing or caused after you left. At the end of the day this will stop you from doing unpaid repair work for bad customers.

Happy Customers:- When you invoice a job to a customer, you have the option to send photo's and attach documents to the invoice. This means not only will the customer get the invoice you sent - you'll have pictures showing them the work - and documents supporting the work - this means a customer can see what you have done and it was done correctly.

Risk Free 30 day Fieldteam Trial - no hidden fees, no headaches

Get full access to fieldteam and the mobile applications for 30 days. No credit cards or payments needed during the trial period.

Limited Time Offer: Free Training with all Trials Until 24/02/2025